Title: Spiral of Bliss Series
Book 1: Arouse [Amazon, Kobo] Still FREE on both platforms!
Book 2: Allure [Amazon, Kobo]
Book 3: Awaken [Amazon, Kobo]
The Spiral of Bliss series focuses on an already-married couple dealing with the "after" following the happily ever-after. I've seen many series with sequels that follow the main couple after they've gotten married or gotten together, and to be honest at most times they just doesn't show a realistic portrayal of love. This series doesn't have that "gimmicky drama" and "over-the-top reactions".
I appreciated that even though Dean and Liv loved each other so much, they still had to work everyday to make their relation work. I love both the characters dearly despite their flaws.
Dean West is a medieval studies professor and he's incredibly passionate about his research, teachings and the subject. Olivia and Dean met while he was a professor and she was a student but don't worry, there was nothing forbidden about this romance. I love how Nina Lane brings the characters full circle and they grow so much and develop into wonderful versions of themselves.
Each of the books has flashbacks scenes to when Dean and Olivia weren't yet married. I loved those scenes as well as the more intense ones set in the present. The books each have to be read right after one another because they're so addictive. I read the series in a little over a week because I just couldn't STOP!
The series is incredibly emotional and I found myself near to tears multiple times. These characters go through so much! But, don't worry! In the end, it's a satisfying and heart-warming conclusion and I think the journey up to that point is just beautiful. I was so proud of Olivia by the end because she had grown so much.
Also, these books are incredibly erotic. Incredibly erotic. The emotional investment of these characters is well worth it even if you don't like erotic stuff.
I'd just like one Dean West for myself please!
Overall: 5/5 for the entire series. I highly recommend it! It's a feel-good series that yes, might have its cheesy moments. But overall its incredibly beautiful and well written.
My love for this series is never-ending! You see their struggles, their love for each other and you can't help but root for them. The last book was my favorite, because well, happy-ending and all (haha) but that book had more of the little notes they drew for each other. Too cute. Wonderful review!